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NEW SECOND EDITION ALIGNED WITH ISC2'S 2024 EXAM OUTLINE. The goal of this concise study guide is simple: to help you confidently pass the CISSP exam and to provide you with a foundation of security knowledge that will equip you to be a better security professional as you navigate your career.We have written this guide to be as concise as possible while still providing sufficient, valuable, and relevant information to help you understand the concepts behind each domain that makes up the CISSP certification.We have created hundreds of diagrams and summary tables and highlighted the core concepts to know for each section - all to make the daunting task of CISSP exam preparation as easy as possible.Our collective wisdom from decades in the trenches of security, working with ISC2, developing official curricula and official guides, teaching thousands of CISSP classes, and guiding tens of thousands of students to passing the CISSP exam has been distilled to create this concise guide to the CISSP exam.

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