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87% of Young Adults Believe Financial Literacy is Crucial for Success in Life" – Forbes, 2023✅ Ever feel like your cash vanishes faster than your phone battery?✅ Want to learn the investment advice your parents wish they knew when they were your age?✅ Looking to jumpstart your financial independence and avoid common pitfalls?🎁 Each chapter concludes with engaging exercises, offering tips, tricks, and actionable items inspired by real-world scenarios.🎁 Included is an easy to follow 5-week plan for creating your path to financial freedomThis book holds the key to unlocking YOUR FINANCIAL FREEDOM. Your life-changing journey starts here, and it’s easier than you think!You’re smart and you realize that, while you’re learning a lot of useful information in school, there are a lot of skills they are not teaching you, such as: How to earn and save money, how to invest your money, which credit card may be best for you… ultimately HOW TO ACHIEVE FINANCIAL FREEDOM AT A YOUNG AGE!The idea of lasting wealth and a life free from money worries is something we all dream of and deserve. But without learning the foundational skills, it’s going to be very challenging.You don’t need a dream. You need financial goals, financial habits, and financial guidance. That's it!The only way to achieve YOUR GOALS is to take control of YOUR FINANCIAL EDUCATION… right now!INSIDE THIS BOOK, TEENS WILL DISCOVER:The common psychological traps you need to avoid if you want to be wealthyHow your thoughts and beliefs about money will shape your financial successEverything you need to know about credit and loans – and why it’s not all as bad as you fearWhy your credit history matters, and simple and effective steps to take to build it properlyExpert advice for managing student debt (so you aren’t left accruing interest for years)Why a solid budget is your secret weapon – with a step-by-step guideInnovative strategies for saving money – no matter how little you think you can afford to saveHow your hobbies could be secret goldmines in your business.Carefully curated exercises and quizzes to help you cement your understanding (in a fun and engaging way!)Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that:“I’m too young to worry about money.”“This sounds too complicated. I’ll never understand it”"I don't have a real income yet, so this doesn't apply to me." This is your chance to create the life you’ve always dreamed of, through financial freedom!This book is crafted to connect with teenage girls and boys, as well as young adults, speaking directly to them in a language they understand.Prepare for future success with Teen Money Mindset. Equip Teens & Parents with the vital knowledge and skills needed to confidently handle the important task of managing their finances as they transition into adulthood.Don't wait any longer... Order right NOW to build the financial future that you know you want and deserve. Add TEEN MONEY MINDSET to your Cart right now - Your Future Self Will Thank You!“This book, hits the mark perfectly.” -David Ryan“Adults, you might learn a thing or two yourself, I know I did!” -Kale Kaufman

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