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Valentines & Feisty FelinesFour years ago, Omega Werecat, Amanda Privet ran off with a blood Warlock. When he tried to end her life, she escaped: terrified and missing an eye. PTSD and a nasty inner demon complicate reentry into her New Orleans Supernatural community.While most embrace her return, she still feels broken. Desperate for a fresh start, she selects Judgment, from an enchanted tarot card deck. The non-corporeal entity inside, will help heal her battered heart.At a crime scene she reconnects with her ex, Shifter Brian Vitto. When he requires her help to solve the case, there’s no denying their attraction. Some undercover work may be just the thing to see if they can once again be Valentines.Love is the remedy for both their Unhealed hearts.This is book four in the G.R.I.T.S., Love & The Paranormal series — a clean romance that ticks every magical box.Click ‘buy now’ to read Unhealed today!