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I’m through being a good girl.I stood by my twin brother when everyone turned against him, but now he’s betrayed me. I’m done being responsible. Tonight, I say yes to every opportunity.Yes, I’ll go home with the hot stranger I meet in a bar. Yes, I’ll do all the twisted things he needs. Yes, I’ll be out of his bed by dawn.But will he still want me when he learns how innocent I am?The Diamond Ring Dark Romances include:The Kidnapped SeriesDiamond SolitaireRough DiamondConflict DiamondPriceless DiamondThe Irish Mob TrilogyIrish BruteIrish ViceIrish ReignEach series can be read on its own, but the books within each series should be read in order for the best heart-throbbing experience.If your favorite dark romance tropes are abduction, alpha male, angst, billionaire, Cinderella, fairytale (fairy tale) retelling, gothic, kidnapping, revenge, strong woman, tortured hero, or vigilante justice then this is the book for you!083024ak