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Discover the remarkable life of Catherine Parr...Free BONUS Inside!For many, she was simply the last of King Henry VIII’s many wives, but Catherine Parr was much more than that. She had a unique and incredible history all of her own. Catherine was a dynamic figure who survived more than her fair share of hardship. Even before she married Henry, she found herself caught up in the drama of England’s Reformation, and at one point, she was even held hostage in her own home by religious radicals.Catherine Parr was also a highly educated woman. She authored several books and was one of the first women to publish books under her own name in the English language. Once she became queen, she stood tall. She served as regent during Henry VIII’s absence, and her political acumen greatly influenced her two stepdaughters—Mary and Elizabeth—who would one day become queens in their own right, partly thanks to Catherine’s insistence that they should be added to the line of succession.This book uncovers the often glossed-over details of this enigmatic woman. Here, you will find the life and legend of Catherine Parr in full. Her legacy extended beyond her lifetime and shaped the course of English history forever.Discover a plethora of topics such asEarly Life at CourtA Young WidowTaken HostageBecoming QueenThe Admiral’s WifeThe Last Days of Catherine ParrAnd much more!So if you want a concise and informative book on Catherine Parr, simply scroll up and click the "Buy now" button for instant access!

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