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Discover a comprehensive, easy-to-follow guide to chair-based exercises that can help you improve your strength, flexibility, mobility, and balance – without the risk of falls, strains, or over-fatigue!Exercise is just for those who need to lose weight or want to get in shape.You need to spend an hour or more in the gym for it to count as exercise.You need to be constantly pushing your body for it to count as exercise.You may hear these myths all the time… and that’s what they are: myths.No matter your age or what your personal health goals are, the benefits of regular physical activity are undeniable.Say you’ve never worked out a day in your life. Or you used to be super active but then got too busy with friends, a career, and family. Or you absolutely hated working out when you were younger, so you don’t bother now that you’re well into your Golden Years.Whatever situation is true to you, it’s never too late to start (or restart)!At your age, you absolutely should be exercising regularly. And the good news? You don’t even need a personal trainer, a home gym, or a ton of equipment.All you need is a chair.Chair-based exercises are the best workout you could ask for. They’re safe, they’re easy to learn, and they’re effective.Refer back to the myths. You definitely do not need to spend an hour or two a day in the gym to exercise – 10 to 30 minutes a day of light-intensity activity is more than enough to warrant the benefits of exercise, especially if you’re consistent.That’s what this book offers you: a chance to be consistent. A chance to stay physically active, improving your health bit by bit, day by day, with each exercise routine you finish.Aside from 55 chair-based exercises for strength, flexibility, mobility, balance, and basic stretching, you will also discover:8 focused, full-length workout routines for strength, flexibility, mobility, and balanceA handful of 5-minute seated workouts that you can do once or twice a day if you’re ever pressed for time10 tips for healthy aging, including the best diet and food for seniors to optimize their health7 benefits of consistent exercise, and the dangers of living a sedentary lifestyleDo chair exercises really work? What science has to say about sweating while sitting! How to do chair-based exercises safely, even if you’re well over the age of 60!Senior-safe stretches you can do while sitting to improve joint health and blood flowHow to reclaim your energy and mobility with exercises that can be done from a chairBeginner-friendly modifications to exercises – ensure a safe, beneficial workoutAnd much more!Remember, you don’t need to go all out at the gym to get a workout in. You don’t need to dedicate an hour every day to feel results. Heck, you don’t even need to stand up!All you need is commitment and consistency. If you can swing those, you’ll feel the results immensely.If you’re ready to soothe your joint pain, reclaim your strength, and replenish your energy allfrom the comfort of a sturdy chair, then scroll up and click ‘Add to Cart’ now!

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