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On March 26, 2001, single mom KD Wagner and her son Bud found themselves in the throes of grief over the murder of her son and Bud's brother, Jeffrey. They both struggled to reassemble their shattered lives when September 11, 2001, struck, and their world changed again. Bud, serving on active duty in the U.S. Navy, rode head-on into Operation Iraqi Freedom. Yet again, the storm delivered a lightning bolt of devastation, killing Bud in a felony hit-and-run as he deployed for a second tour in Iraq.In the first two books of The Next Day Came, a trilogy, Wagner chronicles the legacies of Jeffrey and Bud, her two sons. In this third installment, KD shares the rest of the story, her own journey through childhood traumas, marriages, motherhood, and losses beyond imagination. You are invited to join her as she crawls from the depths of despair to make her way to a life in a Different Place, to find a place of new purpose in her life.KD's level of resilience, found in this catastrophic tale, will help you:Believe there is Life after LossLearn how the Love of her sons drives KD to help othersDiscover how Resilience saved KD's life and can save yoursTIME DOES NOT HEAL ALL WOUNDS - IT'S HOW YOU USE YOUR TIME!