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My brother’s best friend is such a jerk. An imposing, handsome jerk who doesn’t trust me. And now we’re roommates. He wanders around the apartment in nothing but gray sweatpants, looking like a broody, tattooed muscle god, and playing music that shakes the walls. I want to hate him for treating me like an intruder, but there’s something about the way he looks at me—like he’s trying to figure me out—that keeps pulling me in. Archer Holland is loyal, caring, and protective—with everyone except me. Every time I move around our apartment, I can feel his glare. And the worst part? It only makes me want him more. Not that it matters. He’s my brother’s best friend—the one guy I can never have. But after a late-night rescue, we go from sharing a wall to sharing a bed. I’m not sure what my brother would do if he found out, but it doesn’t matter because Archer says it can’t happen again. That imposing, handsome jerk is about to find out I’m done playing by his rules.Comeback is a football romance with lots of spice, swoon, and a happily ever after. It’s the third book in the Holland Brothers series and can be read as a standalone.Tropes:forced proximity / roommatesbroody tattooed football herosneaking aroundASL and chronic illness repdual POV

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