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In the face of global chaos, the power of a close family unit and a self-sufficient homestead becomes their greatest weapon.In a world on the brink of collapse, Chelsea Logan's once simple life on the outskirts of Chicago becomes a fortress of survival. As an EMP disaster looms and society edges towards chaos, Chelsea must transform her humble homestead into a prepper fortress for her husband, Henry, and their young son, James. With limited resources and the threat of societal breakdown, Chelsea's winter homestead and close-knit family become the heart of their existence.Out of the ShadowsWhen Sam was forced to retire from a long storied career with the NYPD, he hoped for the best but prepared for the worst. The worst came one dark day when an EMP decimated the nation's power grid, plunging the entire country into darkness and stranding his wife and teenage son in the middle of Manhattan. Now Sam must fight his way into the city alongside his best friend Joe, a retired US Marine, to rescue his family from a lawless post apocalyptic metropolis. But when an old enemy hell bent on revenge rears his head, Sam's entire family will be placed in the line of fire.