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"Just Love Her" by Raz Mihal is a spiritual exploration of divine love and soul connection. Through heartfelt meditations, Mihal shares his journey of experiencing an eternal bond with a beloved soul known as "Her."Each entry offers a poetic and reflective look at love that transcends time and physical boundaries, highlighting its transformative power. Mihal delves into the intuitive nature of the heart, presenting love as a divine force and a guiding goddess. He encourages readers to embrace the divine feminine within and to see love as a central guiding principle in their lives. Interwoven with philosophical insights on existence and the spiritual dimensions of love, the book provides profound reflections on spiritual connection, the practice of divine love, and the mystical experiences that shape our lives. Key themes include daily meditations on divine love, the challenges and complexities of love, and love's power to bring about spiritual growth.Perfect for readers interested in spiritual growth, self-discovery, and a deeper understanding of love, "Just Love Her" is a testament to love's transformative power. Mihal's poetic prose and deep reflections make this book a valuable guide for embracing the divine love within your heart.

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