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Finally, a Weight Loss Approach Made Just for YouIn Bodytypology, naturopath and weight loss specialist Sue-Anne Hickey gives us a deep dive into the science of bodytypology and its invaluable role in weight loss and healthy living. Debunking common diet strategies such as the one-size-fits-all approach and a restrictive diet, bodytypology is an alternative method that is completely customized—and that produces results! Packed with easy-to-understand information and tailored/nutritious recipes, this book offers readers insight into the only path to optimal health, including:An overview of bodytypologyThe four different body types, and how to determine yoursHow to eat right for your body type so that you never have to deprive yourselfAdditional strategies for maintaining a healthy weight that go beyond the scaleFor those wanting to embrace a healthier lifestyle, Bodytypology is the go-to guide that proves that not only is maintaining a healthy weight possible, but that done right, it can completely transform your life.

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