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Forced to hide his identity up until now, Thaden soon learns that it may cause more trouble than it’s worth…Even though he never intended it to happen, the events that occurred in the city of Forgestone have set Thaden on a course to fix the problems that he inadvertently caused. His inner sense of responsibility has now put him firmly on the path to eliminate or at least minimize the destruction and loss of life that could occur from the fallout of the SPECIAL Quests he’s been assigned, so he is putting all his focus on accomplishing this feat as soon as possible.Thankfully, his journey and interaction with other Contenders is helped by the changes the Assimilation System put into place a short time ago, reducing—but not eliminating—the likelihood that he will be attacked by those same Contenders. Of course, time will only tell if everyone will get the memo and leave him alone; if not, he still has ways to move about in disguise, which he is hoping will be enough to forgo any problems that may come up.But before he can throw himself into the search for the Anchor dungeons mentioned in the SPECIAL Quests he had been assigned, Thaden and his brand-new Class wants to find some stronger, more specialized gear with which to get himself better outfitted. To that end, his first stop is to visit a dungeon that purportedly has a higher likelihood of having Support-Class drops; however, The Devil’s Nail turns out to be nothing like what he had been expecting….This story contains an overpowered MC with a normally non-offense-based Class, LitRPG progression mechanics and stats, and isekai/portal fantasy elements. Contains no sexual content or harems.

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