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It’s been twenty-five years since she sealed the Hellgate.Now, she’s gotta stop the apocalypse. Again.Meg Walker, a grunge teen of the eighties, has always been rebellious and unconventional. So after a disastrous senior year she flipped destiny the bird and skipped town. But her 42nd birthday comes with an unpleasant surprise: a psychic call from her comatose best friend from high school. Someone is trying to open the Hellgate.Resigned to her duty as the gatekeeper of evil, Meg reluctantly goes home—it’s time to live up to expectations. As she struggles to reconnect with her old friends, she learns the (second) apocalypse is a cakewalk compared to old romances, professional careers, teenage children, and unresolved emotional baggage.Is it possible confronting the demons from your past is worse than actual demons?Reunion is the first book in The Hell Gate Chronicles, a new over 40 women’s fantasy series.

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