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Learn to clean and organize with ADHD (and not hate yourself in the process).Have your attempts at implementing ‘traditional’ cleaning and organizing advice yielded no results, leaving you to believe it’s impossible because of your ADHD?Have you ever felt like a failure because you can't maintain a tidy space despite your best efforts?You’re not alone, and it's NOT impossible.Inside this book, you will:Discover your strengths with the ADHD Superpowers Quiz to tap into your unique abilities (and how to leverage them in your cleaning and organizing journey). Identify your unique ADHD challenges–or Kryptonite–in superhero terms, (and learn how to finally tame them). Learn how your unique brain is wired differently (and why that matters) through a crash course in ADHD brain science. Understand the connection between ADHD, clutter, and your emotional well-being – (including shame and embarrassment), and get practical tips on what to do about it.Get insider access to:101 genius, ADHD-approved organizing techniques, tips, and hacks for each room in your house (complete with printable checklists). My proprietary, easy to follow MAGIC Method (an ADHD-tailored blueprint for manageable daily routines that stick). Printable monthly challenges, journal prompts, worksheets, playlists, apps, and links to ADHD-friendly products (helping you turn a “good idea” into productive action).So if you want to finally unlock the secrets to a clutter-free life, even with ADHD, click to buy now!

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