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After building up his local community, Ethan Marshall’s new Urban Prepper Handbook is here to revolutionize the way you think about prepping.It’s no secret that disasters and grid failures are becoming more frequent—and even more concerning with our growing dependence on a functioning system.As countless real-life emergencies have proven, 99% of the population is caught unprepared and often put in life-threatening situations when they end up without power, water, and food for days, or even weeks.That’s why Ethan Marshall is on a mission to inspire millions to start prepping, despite small city apartments and a tightening economy.“It’s really just about empowering yourself… about making sure you and your family are safe, even when the city is thrown into chaos. And it’s so simple! It doesn’t take much time or effort at all. Anyone can do it.”Join tens of thousands of urban preppers and build a simple preparedness setup with this step-by-step guide. With just a few hours and no expensive gear, you’ll be able to confidently handle yourself through serious disasters.This is the book you need if you care about the safety of your family and yourself during unexpected emergencies.Here’s a preview of what you’ll learn as you start reading:A new understanding of the "urban prepping" mindset: it’s much simpler than you thinkHow to have enough food and water for weeks even if you have only a tiny bit of spaceHow to transform your urban apartment into a fortified sanctuary to stay safe in a crisis without breaking the bankEssential medical skills to handle health emergencies and survive a disaster without medical supportHow to create renewable energy to keep the lights on when the grid fails – even in a city apartmentWhy mental preparedness is as important as stockpiling goods – and how to do itThe principles to keep you safe for weeks in a crisis, even when looting and crime are rampantHow to bring your entire family together for prepping, teach resilience, and grow stronger togetherHow to build a local network of preppers that support each other in times of needBudget-friendly solutions to long-term survival gear, including DIY projectsAdvanced urban survival skills that can save your life when things get roughThe correct way to navigate a city during a crisis, and how to work with others to ensure your survival...and much more!You might not “need” this book right now – but when you do, it will be too late.The best time to start prepping is always now!