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Muddy Boots and Silk Stockings:... - Julia Stoneham

Muddy Boots and Silk Stockings: An emotional and gripping wartime saga (Land Girls Book 1)

Julia Stoneham
Joffe Books historical romance and sagas (September 8, 2024) , English
1,495 ratings

An absolutely uplifting and emotional wartime story of loss, hope and the healing power of friendship.Devonshire, 1943.Alice Todd never expected to end up like this. Abandoned by her husband while bombs rain down on London. The only man she’s ever loved. He should be by her side. Instead he’s away in the arms of another woman, leaving Alice to fend for herself and their young son.She is devastated by his betrayal, but she needs to hold it together for the sake of her boy.Hoping for a fresh start, Alice escapes to the tiny Devonshire village of Ledburton. At Lower Post Farm, the Land Girls are looking for a new warden — and Alice thinks she might fit the bill.Pulling on a pair of muddy boots, she heads out to the ramshackle old farmhouse — to be greeted by the handsome but surly farmer, Roger Bayliss. He takes one look at city girl Alice and decides she’ll never make a good Land Girl.Her fellow Land Girls are inclined to agree. Determined to prove herself, Alice will do whatever it takes to win them over. But she’s got her work cut out. Each of the Land Girls has a story to tell . . . and secrets to keep.But when tragedy strikes closer to home, can the Land Girls come together when it truly matters?Fans of Nadine Dorries, Sylvia Broady, Merryn Allingham, Tania Crosse, Susanna Bavin or Lesley Eames will devour this emotional wartime saga.READERS LOVE MUDDY BOOTS AND SILK STOCKINGS:⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ‘A wonderful, well-written and absorbing book.’ Eileen⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ‘Couldn't put it down.’ Alison⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ‘Compelling and historical.’ Kathleen⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ‘This is a must if you like war time novels.’ SG⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ‘A nice light read!’ JoellaMore from Julia Stoneham coming soon!