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This diet is for all people. It is not just athletes, the young or old, or men who are 185 pounds and 6 feet tall.It is for you.Today.Tomorrow.For life.Indeed, this is for life.That more new diets keep coming out only means they don’t last as they’re not enjoyable. None of them are the best, either, or the others would fade away. This changes now. This is The Most Epic Diet Ever, and before the end of this book, you will agree 100%.You will see the results, but it is so easy you won’t even know you’re doing itIt doesn’t just help you gain or lose weight, but balances your body typeWhile tea is great, it is not a drinkWhile intermittent fasting helps longevity, it is not fastingWhile I am vegan, it is not veganismFats are not gods or devilsCarbohydrates are not vixens wearing halos on hornsProtein is not confusing or lackingAnd the answer is not in an extract, nor is the problem a plant compoundHave I hyped it up enough?Good. Then try it, and you will agree that this is The Most Epic Diet Ever.And Training?Most books on diet and training only say: “Eat better, train harder, and sleep soundly.” Then they have endless advice on how, and this way they can sell more books.But many have already objected:“I don’t want to train!”I understand.Cliché advice and temporary motivation to do what you don’t want to do isn’t what you need. You need purpose and clarity without shame. This book provides that and teaches you how to have:Stable LimbernessBalanced StrengthPragmatic EnduranceAnd Diverse SkillYet exercise for the sake of exercise sounds boring, even to gym junkies. But being strong for a purpose? Being healthy for a reason? Would this become exciting even for those who dislike exercise? Yes. Once you see the core and structure of Ultimate Training, you will agree that this title is not hype, but honesty.And with training comes the need for recovery. Supplements are not arbitrary. There are reasons behind them—from needing more nutrition as we age yet not being able to eat as much, all the way to using herbs as medicine without side effects. These boost our continued quest to become heroes in our lives and the lives of others.

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