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A daring rescue in the heart of a hostile nation.A team of elite special forces with dangerous new technology.And one secret that can destroy both.A new type of weapon, developed in a top-secret laboratory in Tehran, has just been exposed. While one of its lead scientists is closely monitored by Israeli and American intelligence, no one knows the full extent of its destructive power.Meanwhile, in Israel, Dr. Zvi Karkovski, a brilliant biotechnology scientist, is placed in charge of creating the “Eagle,” a highly classified military R&D project with enough potential to tip the scales of the fight against terror. While his project attracts increasing attention, Krakovski is forced to contend with a dark secret quietly kept under the guise of “national security”—a secret that, once exposed, will send shockwaves through the most powerful intelligence agencies in the world.As “Eagle” is deployed on one of its first missions into the heart of Tehran, Karkovski faces enemies both foreign and domestic—and much closer than he could anticipate.From the mind of a former scientist and senior project leader in the Israeli security sector comes a gripping international thriller whose twists and high-stakes intrigues will be perfect for fans of Tom Clancy, Brad Thor, and Vince Flynn.

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