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Claiming The Voodoo Princess: Wh... - Marcelle Sixx

Claiming The Voodoo Princess: Wh...Marcelle Sixx

Annalissa Pharaoh is more than just her last name, but she fails at proving that to be true with her lashing out every time she wraps her lips around a liquor bottle, or going as far as proving her abilities to those she knows for sure is s... more

Claiming The Voodoo Princess: What Pharaoh Wants Spinoff
Marcelle Sixx
After Hours Publications , English
Tales of The Dead Walker.Weird W... - Mark Tarrant

Tales of The Dead Walker.Weird W...Mark Tarrant

The Dead Walker finds a remote town but its population has seen better days as zombies obey a witch to lynch anyone who comes into her town.

Tales of The Dead Walker.Weird West Short: Hang Town
Mark Tarrant
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Tales of the Death Riders: Weird... - Mark Tarrant

Tales of the Death Riders: Weird...Mark Tarrant

Saddle up and ride with a supernatural posse across the wild west. Join The Dead walker, Justus Blackburn, War Cloud and The Prophet as they battle ancient evils, witches, ghosts, demons, zombies and men of ill repute. Each one of our heroe... more

Tales of the Death Riders: Weird West Shorts
Mark Tarrant
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The Potted Plant: An Eco-Horror,... - Thomas Gloom

The Potted Plant: An Eco-Horror,...Thomas Gloom

They say that love is blind… but so is revenge.★★★★★ "It’s insane how much depth, emotion and development this author pulled off in under 100 pages." -Amazon ReviewerThe girl he’d planned to marry shattered his heart into a thousand pieces.... more

The Potted Plant: An Eco-Horror, Revenge Tale
Thomas Gloom
Gloom Publishing , English
Deathless: Book 1: Salvation's D... - Mary Haarmeyer, Mark Tarrant

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After being murdered by a corrupt police officer, Detective Mason White opens his eyes and discovers he is not in heaven or hell but very much alive in purgatory. He is stranded in a barren wasteland trapped with millions of other souls who... more

Deathless: Book 1: Salvation's Damnation
Mary Haarmeyer, Mark Tarrant
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The Toys of Peace and Other Pape... - Saki

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The Toys of Peace and Other Papers by Saki: Witty Tales of Satire and Social Commentary by Saki
Namaskar Books , English
FEAR Chapter 2: FREAKS - Dillon Pollock

FEAR Chapter 2: FREAKSDillon Pollock

No summary available

FEAR Chapter 2: FREAKS
Dillon Pollock
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Crows: 2nd Edition - R. Nordgren

Crows: 2nd EditionR. Nordgren

Dredged from an absolute penance, entombed within the Earth, an unseen hand unleashes the Watcher Seraph back upon creation. Four of their kind, having refused forswearing their oaths, sequestered beneath the Throne are tasked with reclaimi... more

Crows: 2nd Edition
R. Nordgren
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Minecraft Apocalypse Book 1 - Be... - Diamond Axe

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A brand new series from Diamond Axe, author of Pig of Eden and Creep's Bizarre Adventure!Pidge is released from jail after being arrested for public assault, but he meets someone who gives him a warning.This book is good for fans of Dave th... more

Minecraft Apocalypse Book 1 - Beginnings: 50 Days 'Til Destruction
Diamond Axe
Diamond Axe Publishing , English
Closer: A collection of horror s... - N.A. Parry

Closer: A collection of horror s...N.A. Parry

Unity waits. Unity is there to help people like you andme. Do not betray Unity.A house on the beach that no one ever visits. A housewith a history. It craves company.A killer. The other side of the mirror. A seaside town,remote and fearsome... more

Closer: A collection of horror stories
N.A. Parry
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Hunters for Hire : An Urban Fant... - Jonathan Yanez

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In the city of Angels the madness runs deep...Hollywood. Jonny Hunter is living proof life sucks. Scraping by paycheck to paycheck this desperate would-be actor is hungry for any break. And after he learns his fiancée is dumping him, his ro... more

Hunters for Hire : An Urban Fantasy Action Adventure
Jonathan Yanez
Archimedes Books , English
The Dead Of Stanley Brook—A True... - Edwin Brightwater

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Do some of us see the dead?A desolate farm. An ancient tragedy. Two unearthly apparitions. And a mystery beyond human understanding…This is a true story. It really happened, and I was there.In a remote corner of New Zealand in the 1980s, my... more

The Dead Of Stanley Brook—A True Ghost Story
Edwin Brightwater
Niels Jensen , English
The Pyre - Amanda Parsons

The PyreAmanda Parsons

They feed on suffering, and Gabriel Thomas is a four-course meal.In a valley being slowly overrun by a daemonic infestation, Father Gabriel Thomas is the one sowing the seeds of his own destruction. A former alcoholic, his life is left in s... more

The Pyre
Amanda Parsons
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Orlando: A Time-Travelling Tale... - Virginia Woolf

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Embark on a magical journey through time and gender with Virginia Woolf's Orlando, a narrative of identity, love, and change.Orlando by Virginia Woolf: Embark on a fantastical journey of time, gender, and identity with Virginia Woolf's "Orl... more

Orlando: A Time-Travelling Tale of Identity and Transformation by Virginia Woolf
Virginia Woolf
Namaskar Books , English
A Thin Veil of the Cosmos: A Cas... - Thomas Michael Thomas

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"If you enjoy your cosmic horror laced with small town fundamentalist mania, familial bonds, and a touch of goth rebellion the likes of which would make Robert Smith proud, you’ll thoroughly enjoy Thomas’ tale of a teenaged heroine turned a... more

A Thin Veil of the Cosmos: A Case of High Strangeness and Alien Abduction Through the Eyes of a Goth Teen
Thomas Michael Thomas
Insomniac Cat Publications , English
Creatures of the Nighttide: Monsters Rampage America
Velma Pryce
Zeb Press , English
Hallows Eve : Halloween in Harve... - William Oswald

Hallows Eve : Halloween in Harve...William Oswald

Hallows Eve, unfolds through a series of interconnected short stories, Declan and his roommate Casey set out for a mischief night prank that goes horribly awry, resulting in the death of an old woman rumored to be the town's "witch". A high... more

Hallows Eve : Halloween in Harvest Creek
William Oswald
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Berber Cave - Billie Ballard

Berber CaveBillie Ballard

Deep in the unyielding Sahara Desert you can find the High Atlas mountains. This mountain range reaches altitudes of over 4000 metres and is known as home to many Berber villages. In a place so old, so isolated, the folklore is thick, ingra... more

Berber Cave
Billie Ballard
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The Lost Cat - Glen Johnson

The Lost CatGlen Johnson

Sophia Moss is a twenty-four-year-old English national living in Tokyo Japan. She adopts a stray cat when it intrudes into her life to make amends for something unforgivable she did as a teenager. Just as she gets used to the cat’s presence... more

The Lost Cat
Glen Johnson
Sinuous Mind Books , English
Don't Trust the Children: Short... - Jamie Stas

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The shadows come alive with menace in this spine-chilling collection of short stories about witches, hauntings and other creatures of the night.In “'Bea" and "Bea's Revenge' brace yourself for a scary journey through the ages, guided by a v... more

Don't Trust the Children: Short Stories By Jamie Stas
Jamie Stas
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SCP Discover Series: Tales told... - Evelyn Duskborne

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In the shadowed recesses of the unknown, where the boundaries of science and the supernatural intertwine, lies a realm guarded by the clandestine organization known as the SCP Foundation. Delve into the extraordinary pages of "SCP Foundatio... more

SCP Discover Series: Tales told by the Foundation
Evelyn Duskborne
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