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Stop Striving and Start Resting!  What is Gods will for my life? Its an age-old search. Most likely, youve asked the same question. Desperate for answers, we often find ourselves trapped in cycles of struggle and searching, as if Gods will was elusive and out of reach. This couldnt be further from the truth! Gods greatest desire is for you to rest in the flow of His perfect plan, because fulfilling your destiny is more about listening than it is about striving. Drs. Dennis and Jennifer Clark offer a groundbreaking approach to discovering how to flow in the river of Gods will. Read this book and learn how to:Hear Gods will through listening and surrender.Find true peace by practicing the Lordship of Jesus.Overcome difficult trials by feasting on the delight of Gods will.Gods will is not about following a blueprint or roadmap; its about stepping into the flow of His supernatural purposes, prepared for you before Creation!  Stop striving and learn to rest while Flowing in the River of Gods Will.

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