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Often, in the pursuit of finding your purpose, you grapple and struggle to digest what reality is and lose yourself in the process. We give in to external influences, react, and let inconveniences take over our entire being, making it difficult to function. The aftermath? A negative effect on our personal and professional lives. What may seem like minor inconveniences transform into points of conflict, distorting your perception of reality. If you are looking for a breakthrough, instead of seeking help from external sources, you must look inward with self-awareness. There, right there, lies the potential and inner strength just waiting to explode to transform into the new you. Author Dalton Dean Blankinship presents his book, Looking Inwards for a Better Life, which is the ideal guidebook to embark on a journey of self-improvement. The read is an intricate commentary, delving into life's complexities, facilitating you to navigate through illusions and learn how to live a goal-oriented life rather than giving into your feelings and embracing the wolf within. The structure of the book follows through a logical narrative that originates with society and culminates with the reader. It is an impactful attempt at reconnecting the world with the fundamental principles it has been devoid of, delving into the deeper truths of human condition. Blankinship champions a philosophy that promotes self-improvement, finding your way through life without shortcuts, and becoming the best version of yourself. Those who look up to personalities such as Mike Tyson or Miyamoto Musashi are highly recommended to pick this book up. Looking Inwards for a Better Life is a pioneer of the self-help genre, radiating authenticity, personal growth, determination, the secrets of honest living, and self-reflection. Elevate your standard of excellence and achieve your true potential.

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