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From mediating trade disputes to brokering peace agreements during planetary expansion wars, the Xrion Family's reach was unmatched. They navigated the intricate web of financial dealings between Houses and covertly operated an elite assassin corps, silencing dissenters behind closed doors. Elevated to the status of a full House for their indispensable services, House Xrion became the custodians of commerce, arbitration, finance, protocol, and assassinations for the Governing Council of the galactic ruling houses. Yet, power breeds corruption, and when whispers of House Xrion's integrity begin to surface, trouble looms.With several houses on the brink of chaos and the threat of growing conflict, the fate of the Council hangs in the balance. Can order be reinstated, or will the machinations of the once-revered House plunge the galaxy into war? Only time will tell as the interstellar tapestry of politics and power unfurls, revealing a house torn between its legacy of service and the shadows of its corrupted soul.

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