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A Roadmap for America's Future is a comprehensive alternative to the heavily government-centered ideology now prevailing in Washington, which pursues a relentless expansion of government, creates a growing culture of dependency, and in the process worsens a status quo that already threatens to overwhelm the budget and smother the economy.

The Roadmap - updated since its previous introduction in 2008, to reflect the dramatic decline in the Nation's economic and fiscal condition - draws on Americans' strengths to restore the Nation's legacy of leaving the next generation better off. It achieves three key objectives:

PROVIDING HEALTH AND RETIREMENT SECURITY. The plan ensures universal access to health insurance; and it rescues and strengthens Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security - allowing them to fulfill their missions and making them permanently solvent.

LIFTING THE DEBT BURDEN. It returns Federal spending growth to sustainable rates, and lifts the huge projected debt burden from the shoulders of future generations.

PROMOTING AMERICAN JOB CREATION AND COMPETITIVENESS. It promotes solid, sustained economic growth and job creation here in America, and puts the United States in a position to lead - not merely survive - in the global marketplace. The plan also modernizes job training programs to meet the effects of globalization.