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Creative thinking - Infinite Ideas

Creative thinking

Infinite Ideas
Amazon Digital Services LLC , English
5 ratings

Do you suspect that you’ve been running on intellectual and creative autopilot for a while? Do you ever wish you could be more creative every day (and not just when you’re in the zone and working on it)? Are you fed up with watching people around you come up with innovative ideas and brilliant solutions and getting all the credit? Look no further; in thirty practical and down to earth chapters this book will show you: How to learn, learn and learn again; quick tricks to spark ideas and free your mind; ways to keep track of your great ideas; how to map your creative concepts; what you can do with a great mistake. With quizzes, helpful question and answer sections and tips from creative geniuses such as Steve Jobs, Anita Roddick and Vivienne Westwood, this lovely book will help you to make the most of your mental powers. If you want to squeeze a little more juice out of your brain and make a real difference, this is the book for you.

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