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Ragnar's Exile (The Ragnar Chron... - Mr E

Ragnar's Exile (The Ragnar Chronicles Book 2)

Mr E
Amazon Digital Services LLC , English
2 ratings

Following Ragnar's successful and blood drenched quest for revenge in Book 1 of THE RAGNAR CHRONICLES, RAGNAR'S EXILE picks up right where RAGNAR OF BLACK FJORD left off.Covering A.D. 797-816, RAGNAR'S EXILE is filled with even more hair raising tales of adventure pulled from the ancient scrolls long written down by the scribe Cassius Latro.Filled with man eating trolls, witches, cannibals, sea monsters, brave Norsewomen, ghouls, ghosts and twice the action, a wounded and disillusioned RAGNAR will have to fight for his honor amongst the frost covered wastes of ancient Scandinavia and rise to become the most legendary Norse hero of all time! RAGNAR'S EXILE also makes a great film companion to History Channel's "Vikings," giving it a much more detailed look into the life of RAGNAR LODBROK, the legend!

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