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MIRAGE is the latest book in the bestselling “Oregon Files” series by Clive Cussler and Jack Du Brul.

When you read Mirage by Clive Cussler – Reviewed you will get a detailed chapter by chapter

summary and analysis of the events as they unfold in Clive Cussler's and Jack Du Brul's bestselling Novel

You also get a deeper understanding of the characters, the plot, as well as the themes and symbolism included

in Mirage.

Just in case that’s not enough for you I’ve also included a list of possible study questions (book club discussions

topics) and quotes from Cussler's book that I found interesting.

Wrapping it all up is a discussion of the critical reviews for Mirage as well as my overall opinion of the book

Plus much more!

Whether you’re reading this review for a book club, school report, or just want to catch up with your favorite characters

and find out what happens before diving into the full length book, you can use this book summary and study guide to get

the most out of your experience reading Mirage by Clive Cussler and Jack Du Brul.