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The Mystical Witch Series

Urban Paranormal 2 book box set


Witch Road to Take

Quest for the Keys

Reign takes you into the world of vampires, witchery and good vs. evil in this fast-paced urban paranormal series


Dhellia has run away from home to escape her undesirable duties as princess of the underworld. A three-month road trip “upstairs” convinces her human-witch side that Earth is where she belongs.

Unfortunately, her father isn't seeing things her way. Her brother, who is a soul catcher and her protector, snatches her away and hides her in the apartment of a bumbling wizard who casts a cloaking spell on her, and a geeky vampire rock ‘n roll singer who is allergic to human blood.

Dhellia gets a job in a law office and suddenly, her future is full of possibilities—that is, until a collision of fate and destiny create the perfect storm, which puts her and her friends in peril. Once again on the run from her father's minions, Dhellia and her friends must find a way to survive while she discovers the powers that lie within her.

Dhellia is a funny, fresh and sassy, fast-paced series about a young woman whose birthright is the underworld—she’s mad as Hell about it, and is determined to use her powers to beat her father at his own game!


“April Reign's writing never disappoints. Meet Dhellia Hunt, the 20 year old daughter of Lucifer and a fugitive from hell. After being tracked down by hellhounds and dragged back to hell, her brother finds a way to get her out. For Dhellia, this means hiding with a slightly off center distant cousin and his quirky vampire roommate. All goes well until her 21st birthday when literally all Hell breaks loose. Dhellia starts to glow, demons are hot on her trail, the hellhounds reappear, her brother tries defend her, the boys try to save her, secret are revealed AND..well you will have to read the book to find out the rest. Don't miss this book!”

Efinn1 (Amazon Reviewer)

A Q&A with Author April M. Reign

Q.You are very prolific. What’s your secret for getting so much work done?

A. My secret is consistency. Every day, I sit in front of my laptop and I write. I may only write 200 words (on a bad day) or 3000 words (on a good day) but there is never a day that goes by when I don’t write.

Q. Who are some of your favorite authors?

A. I fell in love with reading at the age of fourteen. I started the series Flowers in the Attic by V.C. Andrews. That series sparked this insatiable need to read more. Over time, I’ve read and enjoyed books by: Nora Roberts, Stephen King, James Patterson, Sandra Brown, Jude Deveraux, And many more.

Q. Are there any new authors that have grasped your interest?

A. With the increase of indie authors, there are gems everywhere. I’ve enjoyed books like The Body Departed by J.R. Rain and Divergent by Veronica Roth. I recently read The Edge to Never by J.A. Redmerski.

Q. From the looks of it, you have five series and several standalone books in different genres and you’re branching out into horror. Which genre do you enjoy the most?

A. So far, I’ve written in Romance, Mystery thrillers, Sci-Fi, Urban Paranormal, and supernatural horror. Each genre has fulfilled my need to dabble in categories across the board. I don’t have a favorite genre. I thrive in the elements of the story and the characters. I do have to admit, I love the adrenaline rush of writing a fast-paced fight scene.

For more information and future book releases, you may visit April at her website:

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