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The study of different religions of the world shows that in essence they are one, they differ only in non-essentials, in minor things. Depending on the circumstances and environments all the big religions of the world invented their own Gods and propagated their doctrines, dogmas, principles, rituals, ceremonies, techniques and procedures. They all teach the eternity of soul. All religions admit that apart from the body which perishes, there is something which does not change like the body, a part that is immutable, eternal and never dies. The essential of man has no beginning and does not have an end. Above this eternal nature there is another eternal being without end-God who is both the creator and the destroyer. This supreme authority is controlling, governing and guiding every existence in the whole of creation lawfully. He is omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient. The essence of all religions is to know God, to realize Him in the soul, to establish an inner attunement with that supreme unknown power, to become one with God. Each religion represents a great truth, a particular excellence something which is its soul. They all are looking at truth from different stand points, birth, education they are supplementary to one another, not contradictory. The truth is that all these religions are but phases of one Eternal Religion. One infinite religion existed through all eternity and will ever exist. This one religion is expressing itself in various countries in various ways. This essence constitutes the universal basis of all religions and can prepare a ground for one universal religion. Which must be able to supply food for all the various types of minds in order to satisfy the largest portion of mankind

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