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She’s trading in city life for open air and wide-open spaces Kara Montgomery didn’t plan on being a runaway bride but even years of bowing to her parents' expectations can't bring her to marry a man she doesn't love. Choosing to take her planned vacation doing things she's always dreamed of, Kara heads to the closest rodeo. Finding a woman in his stock trailer isn't uncommon for tie-down roper Cam Granger. Finding one holding a wedding dress is. When Cam learns of Kara's desire to experience life on a ranch, he does something he's never done before; he takes a woman home. Working with Cam feeds her soul in the way her career never did; Kara feels like she truly belongs. Hot kisses and passionate lovemaking dispel the doubts crowding in Cam's head, but, when their worlds collide, he wonders if a woman of her class and means could ever be happy with a cowboy. While Cam fears tying Kara down might not be a possibility after all, Kara is faced with a heart-wrenching ultimatum that is sure to leave her shattered.

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