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Loving Jack (Jack's Stories Book... - Nora Roberts

Loving Jack (Jack's Stories Book 2)

Nora Roberts
St. Martin's Paperbacks , English
1,749 ratings

#1 New York Times bestselling phenomenon Nora Roberts—“America’s favorite writer” (The New Yorker)—begins her Loving Jack series with the story of an author enamored with her own imagined hero meeting a man who ignites her desires in reality.Three months of solitude in a gorgeous secluded summer rental home is the perfect atmosphere for Jackie “Jack” MacNamara to write the novel featuring the man of her dreams. She only wishes that her rugged Wild West cowboy existed.Then her reverie is interrupted by Nathan Powell, he’s a mild-mannered architect who is perplexed that his house has been rented without his knowledge and expects Jack to leave. But Jack’s not about to let her work be disrupted—unless she can convince her handsome host that fate has brought them together for a romantic adventure greater than fiction.

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