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Start a heartwarming cozy mystery series with endearing friendships, puzzling mysteries, and a little romance, with the first ten books in the bestselling Dune House Cozy Mystery Series in this box set.When Suzie inherits a grand, old house on the beach, she together with her best-friend, Mary, go to see the dilapidated structure. With Suzie looking for a new challenge and Mary’s impending divorce, the friends decide to refurbish the old house back into its former glory as a majestic B&B. What started off as a few days away turns into a new beginning. In their fifties the two friends never expected the exciting adventures their decision would lead to. They love life in the beautiful beachside setting, filled with fun, new romances and a bit of sleuthing.This box set includes:Seaside SecretsBoats & Bad GuysTreasured HistoryHidden HideawaysDodgy DealingsSuspects & SurprisesRuffled FeathersA Fishy DiscoveryDanger in the DepthsCelebrities & ChaosIf you like page-turning cozy mysteries with strong female sleuths, baffling mysteries and a long list of suspicious characters, you'll love these heartwarming whodunnits by USA Today and WSJ Bestselling Author Cindy Bell.Get the Dune House Cozy Mystery Ten Book Box Set and start solving the mysteries today!

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