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Lucy Schmidt goes her own path. And she quickly notices that many have walked this path before her. She is delighted by her discoveries, until she has to realise that there is shadow as well as light: "You will see dimensions that couldn’t be more terrifying!"In this first volume, Lucy tells how, as a young woman, she moves into her late grandfather's house, in the middle of nowhere, away from the influences of society. What she experiences is completely normal. And yet she encounters more and more phenomena that could be described as supernatural. Her grandfather Sam turns out to be more than he had revealed of himself. It seems as if he is using Lucy to pave the way for a New Age movement. Lucy discovers gifts and abilities within herself that were completely foreign to her, and yet seem so natural....Those who not only enjoy reading novels but also want to learn more about themselves might get their money's worth with Lucy's story. The novel captivates with its polished style and light language. The interconnection of the contents is successful and the references to quotations and songs go further than the conscious mind is able to grasp at first.Certainly not a book for someone who only intends to read the first volume!The book series "Tears of the Dragon", together with the planned novel series "More than a Life", form the basic framework for the overall concept of the publishing house The two series are intended to enable the reader to gain insight into a different way of living and thinking by means of a narrative. A world is sketched that is based on the positive values and attitudes of the New Age. It is assumed that human beings are fundamentally good and unique. By observing the golden rule of not hurting others, a form of coexistence emerges that is characterised by truth and sincerity. Under such conditions, it is easier for the individual to develop his or her own individuality.There are recipes on how humans can unveil foreign influences and manipulation. Lucy receives these instructions from her grandfather, who looked at everyday life from a spiritual perspective and thus lifted the veil of the matrix in which our society is held. Lucy thus succeeds in approaching and eventually finding her true life's mission - if a life's mission can be conclusively found.«Tears of the Dragon" is by no means characterised by an idealised and unworldly view. On the contrary, both, Lucy, and her grandfather experienced the coldness of the "real" world in all its harshness themselves. Perhaps, that is why they are willing to share their experiences with the readers - because only overcoming fear makes one truly free. Those who know enough are no longer easily intimidated. Lucy gets the knowledge from her grandfather's small library. This library is real: it consists of books published as supplementary literature by the publishing house. At the end of each book in the novel series, there is a list of the non-fiction books Lucy refers to. These books complement each other and contain deep spiritual knowledge and philosophical insight, which became known through great personalities of world history and are to be brought into the memory of our age in an up-to-date form through this complete work here. That is why all books and all chapters of the two series of novels are introduced with weighty quotations from great thinkers and personalities. This gives the texts a holistic framework that allows timeless insights to emerge from in between the lines.