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The Arrival (Annihilation Book 1... - Joshua T. Calvert

The Arrival (Annihilation Book 1)

Joshua T. Calvert
Aethon Books (April 5, 2022) , English
1,535 ratings

It’s our planet. But it’s their war...On New Year's eve 2022, unknown flying objects appear over Europe and ignite an inferno of violence among themselves. Debris from one of the spacecraft falls on Athens, turning the city center into a smoking crater.The destroyed remnant of the former metropolis is declared a restricted zone by NATO forces and sealed off. Amidst the few survivors struggling for food, medicine, and clean water, Nikos takes care of his girlfriend Maria, only to soon find out that to avert a creeping death, there is only one way out of the hell of Athens—the wreckage of the alien ship.At the same time, a special forces team is sent on an impossible mission, as NATO's European Command has evidence that another spaceship has landed in the jungles of Africa and its Alien crew appears to still be alive...Don't miss Bestseller Joshua T. Calvert's next Science Fiction epic. A story of survival, invasion, and war that's perfect for fans of Jay Allan, Joshua Dalzelle, and S.M. Anderson.