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Ask for Andrea: A Thriller - Noelle West Ihli

Ask for Andrea: A Thriller

Noelle West Ihli
Dynamite Books , English
38,471 ratings

"Hands down, one of my favorite reads of the year!" -Freida McFadden, author of The HousemaidMeghan, Brecia, and Skye have just one thing in common.They were all murdered by the same man.He hunted them online, masquerading as an eligible bachelor. Then he played the perfect gentleman, a thick layer of charm and a thousand-watt smile hiding the fact that his first dates end in shallow graves.He’s gotten away with murder three times now.The only thing that might keep him from killing again? The women he murdered.Meghan, Brecia, and Skye might be dead, but they’re not gone. They’ve found each other. And they won’t rest until they find a way to stop him.The haunt is on.

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