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An off-the-books government program. Mexico City’s sleazy underworld. A former baseball star with an uncontrollable temper.Jake Williams takes a job with a mysterious company south of the border to save his parents' home. But things and people are not what they seem in Mexico. Will Jake earn the money he needs and get away safely or will his temper get the best of him?Payment Upon Delivery is the first installment in a suspenseful new series that explores commercial corruption around the globe. If you like thoughtful, well-researched thrillers and sharp character development, then you’ll love the Jake Williams Series by Hackley Hammett.Start the collection today that readers are calling “gripping," "fast paced” and a “great read all around."Perfect for fans of Mark Dawson's John Milton, Lee Child’s Jack Reacher, and Robert Ludlum’s Jason Bourne.

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