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A Lake District thriller.A twisted mind can be deadly…When Brian Coltman is murdered after a night out with a friend, DI Sam Cobbs and her team need to find the motive behind the gruesome crime.Intrigue and false starts threaten the investigation until a second body is found.With her husband on the missing list, does Sam have what it takes to find the killer before they choose another victim, with one intention… to make them pay.From NY Times and USA Today bestselling author of the Justice and Sara Ramsey series comes the third gripping serial killer thriller in the DI Sam Cobbs series.Other books in this series areTo Die For - which reached #40 in the UK Kindle chart.To Silence ThemTo Make Them PayTo Prove FatalTo Condemn ThemTo Punish ThemTo Entice ThemTo Control ThemTo Endanger LivesTo Hold ResponsibleTo Catch a Killer

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