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Whispers of the Dead (The David... - Simon Beckett

Whispers of the Dead (The David Hunter Thrillers)

Simon Beckett
Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller , English
2,418 ratings

While visiting his mentor in Tennessee, a forensics expert matches wits with a killer of terrifying skill in this acclaimed crime series.To escape the violence that nearly killed him, forensic pathologist Dr. David Hunter leaves the United Kingdom for America, returning to the Body Farm—the Tennessee research center where he once trained. David is there to find out if he’s still up to the job of confronting death in all its strange and terrible forms. So when his former mentor asks David to accompany him to a crime scene, he agrees. But even David is unprepared for what awaits them in a remote cabin.The victim has been tortured, the body decomposed beyond recognition. The fingerprints seem to identify the killer, but David is unconvinced. When a second body is found, it’s clear that the killer is dangerously familiar with the intricacies of forensics. Pushed deep into the heart of a terrifying manhunt, David begins to wonder if they’re on the trail of a maniac who cannot be stopped.

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