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One deception after another leaves Prince Andres with only his family to trust as they grapple to hold the budding city of New York. It is up to his chyldren, both Atreau and Dominik to help flush out their enemies and keep their reputation intact. Murder, invading clans, torture and violence flood their world. It is everything they can do to persevere through the struggle and protect their own and the other smaller clans.A treacherous journey up into the occupied territory of 18th century Montreal pits a young Cyris and the captive Dominik against the invading army of Eribleu, with no one to turn to for help. They must survive and detour as much of the invasion as possible before their city is crushed beneath the might of their French enemies. Join Dominik, Cyris and Atreau as they complete their tale of their first century in the New World.