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Grassfinch - Garret Ford


Garret Ford
unknown , English
1 rating

"Watch Your Head": Ollie Othello Olinsky is a detective working on the Toronto police force. His most recent case involves the deaths of several people, all of whom died from having gummy frogs inserted into their anus. But he quickly discovers that nothing is what it seems."Why Not?": Anastasia Laundry is a luckless girl who learns that her frequent misfortunes are not random at all. After one long, very bad day, she is confronted with the terrible truth of her twisted existence."Happy To Help": Hotdog Chienchaude gains superpowers after being bitten by a raccoon, and with the help of his sidekick, Shufflerump, he fights crime to keep Toronto safe from a group of villains known as the 6ix Sinners.As the Blue Jays edge closer to their first World Series win since 1993, the pressure on Toronto feels like it's about to explode. Between the separatist bombings and violent protests at castration clinics, you'd think Toronto had enough to deal with. But when a doomsday cult promising freedom for everyone sweeps the city, high strangeness reigns, and it gets even weirder. Grassfinch is a psychedelic fever dream filled with alien abduction, psychics, organ theft, and, of course, raccoons.