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HATE FOOTBALL? Fun Facts to Help You Be Part of the CrowdDo you hate football? Do you cringe at the thought of joining a spouse, friend or others to watch a football game?Do you feel left out when others are talking football – at the proverbial water cooler – or on a ZOOM meeting?Perhaps you grew up with soccer and just don’t understand the game.Football is around us, all year, from the professional football draft in the spring through post-mortems on February’s Super Bowl game. You can’t get away from football. It’s America’s most popular sport.This book provides tips and useful information to help you enjoy watching football. Games can be exciting, fun, and even beautiful. To find out how, read this book. NOW.About Barrie AtkinProfessionally, Barrie is a management consultant providing strategy, marketing and fundraising solutions for mission-driven organizations. Her workshop “Show Me the Money” teaches women in business to apply the lessons from football to their careers.For over twenty years, Barrie has followed the New England Patriots. She enjoys helping women and men understand American football, so they can be part of the “clubhouse” and participate and enjoy professional football games and culture.Barrie lives near Boston with her wife who joins in watching sports. They have two adorable dogs who promptly fall asleep during games.

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