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Love blossoms for a Lady Gardener when she robs a Duke. . . and then steals his heart.Alexandra Grantham becomes Lady Robin Hood, stealing from the rich to provide for the local farm workers in the district. However, when her new neighbor, Mr. Robert Chanderly, unmasks her, Alexandra cannot hide her horror as he has it within his power to ruin her reputation.But, instead of blighting her social chances when they arrive in London, Robert decides to bring Alexandra into high fashion, and she effectively takes the ton by storm.Enemies abound in the Capital, however, causing trouble for Alexandra at every turn. So when an adversary threatens to reveal Alexandra’s dangerous secret, Robert must do everything within his power to defend the honor of the woman he loves—or lose the only lady he’s ever wished to make his wife.Read Free in Kindle Unlimited!Note: This series is part of Dragonblade's Sweet Dreams line, so this is a sweet, wholesome Historical Romance where passion beyond the bedroom door is left to the reader’s imagination.The Grantham GirlsThe Duke and the Lady GardenerThe Baron and the Lady ChemistThe Lord and the Lady AstronomerNote: The Duke and the Lady Gardener was previously published as The Dashing Debutante. This second edition contains new material for readers to enjoy.

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