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What if demons truly exist? Matt finds out in a bloody way as soon as his life is ended for trying to save Xenovia — a mysterious lady who captivates his heart — from assault and harassment. Revived as a demon, he realises that she is a shackled demoness in hiding. Baptised in blood as Wodash, he kills his wrongdoers, inadvertently signalling his location to Crowley, the self appointed demon lord who pursues Xenovia. His almost fatal visit ends with a phone call, extending the duo’s freedom. In order to escape from being captured, and evade a possible arrest for the murders, the couple skips town, narrowly avoiding death at each turn. Crowley’s minions, however, never seem to be far behind, lurking in the shadows.Will their bond withstand the test of time and blossom into love? Will Wodash manage to retain what little humanity he has left and protect Xenovia, or will he succumb and be her downfall as the world inside him grows darker with every encounter?