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Nine years . . . That’s how long I’ve secretly loved my brother’s best friend. A man who fights fires for a living but sets me ablaze with nothing but a cocky grin.Dean Meyer has made it clear that we’re just friends–best friends. So when we get stranded in an epic snowstorm, sharing one bed in a roadside motel, what could go wrong?Everything.We may have blurred the lines over the past nine years, but we’d never crossed them. Not the way we did that night.He promised nothing would change. That he’d forget every kiss and every touch, every whimper and every moan. He promised we’d walk out the door and go back to the way things were.He promised . . . but he lied.And now, a year of missed calls and unanswered texts later, we find ourselves forced back together again.Will the fire still burn between us, or did that one night’s blaze leave us with nothing but ashes?

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