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Hell on High - Michael Clark

Hell on High

Michael Clark
Brigids Gate Press, LLC (March 9, 2023) , English
28 ratings

"Clark’s much-anticipated follow-up to his Dead Man series sweeps readers into the tumultuous path of Juliana, a tough-as-nails heroine for the ages. Spanning multiple countries and all terrains, Juliana’s journey takes the reader to the mouth of madness, and the furthest reaches of human endurance. A thrilling story of heart, horror and perseverance – not to be missed.”—Laurel Hightower, author of Every Woman Knows This: A Horror Collection and CrossroadsPrepare for adventure as Juliana, a nineteen-year-old Brazilian, finds herself forced to run from an occult overlord, leaving her sister in peril. Temporarily safe, Juliana works to save money for Vilma’s rescue—and along the way, meets Patrick, a rich-boy mountain climber with friends in high places.Angus Addison wants to see his corporate flag on the summit of Mount Everest—carried there by the first woman in history—but the Himalayas are no joke. Failure could cost both sisters their lives.Juliana weighs the risks and rewards—for even if she raises the cash, she still must figure a way to free Vilma from the same man she ran from—a man known to his disciples as The Farmer.

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