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All three books in 'The Cartographer', a series of science fiction novels by Craig Gaydas, now available in one volume!The Cartographer: While exploring a cave, Nathan runs into Science Officer Satou and is taken on a wild adventure across the galaxy. After meeting the Consortium - an intergalactic league of explorers - he learns about the ancient Universal Map. When Nathan accidentally unlocks the map, he triggers a series of events that endangers Earth and the very fabric of their universe.Reborn: Nathan Chambers finds himself in the middle of a war that threatens the survival of humanity and the entire universe. With the help of the intergalactic Consortium and the Twelve Timeless, he must fight on two fronts to prevent history from repeating itself. Nathan must transform from a naive teenager to a true defender if he hopes to save humanity from destruction.Timeless: The Consortium is in chaos, and the Insurgents are struggling for survival. The Twelve Timeless, an ancient collective, aid Nathan and his allies, but their help may not be enough. Nathan is also losing a part of himself with each death of those close to him. Can he find the strength to save the universe and himself, or will he succumb to darkness?

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