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When Guardian Treyu Orion is accused of negligence on the job, he’s sentenced to death. Totally overboard, right? Yeah, but the Guild is full of stars who hate Orions. Prince Zhang Centaurus comes to the rescue with an arranged marriage. Why would Zhang do this? They’ve been frenemies since they set eyes on each other. Most likely it’s an evil scheme to have Treyu come to heel because once they’re married, Pleiadian customs dictate that he obeys his husband.How convenient.Atlanta Orion is in love, but he doesn’t know how to say it because he’s basically a caveman with feelings. Instead, he gives up his title, family, and home to run away with his beloved, Gemini Centaurus, the crown prince of the Nebula, when the king rejects his impromptu proposal. There. That should do it. No words necessary. Atlanta will make sure to kiss Gemini lots too.They just have to never get caught.If the soap opera-esque life of these four men wasn’t enough, someone wants Treyu dead. The Archangel Merrick, Treyu’s jealous and possessive ex-situationship, thinks he’s the only one who can protect Treyu properly. He swoops in and all chaos breaks loose.Amidst their drama, these men unlock a scheme so sinister it’ll require that they put aside their petty feuds and work together to save the universe.Starborn Husbands is a frenemies-to-lovers MM novel, the first in the Return to the Pleiades series. It contains the caretaking dynamic Mock (S. Legend) is known for. This book is a certified member of the Hot Pink Peaches Club.