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Gold Medal Winner, Best Occult & Supernatural Novel, Global Book Awards 2024🥇DREAMS. MURDER. FURY.Lonely psychic Joscelyn Wild dreams of macabre murders while they happen—a grim gift that she pours into writing supernatural suspense novels. She’s also secretly in love with a fiery blue wish-granting demon named Fury, who happens to be the badass female heroine of all her books. Driven by her thirst for dark stories, Joss sneaks around, spying on the Devil and exploring Hell in her sleep. Along the way, she uncovers shocking supernatural conspiracies that fuel her bestselling demon fantasy series.This Paranormal Bounty Hunter Series Will Leave You SpellboundChilling suspense, twisted plots, ghosts and demons galore—it all makes for great paranormal mysteries… Despite her hopes for romance with Fury, the relentless pursuit of malevolent spirits leaves Joss feeling increasingly cynical. The bad guys always seem to win.But eventually, even the most evil villains die.Considering their heinous crimes, it’s no wonder they fear eternal punishment. That’s where Fury comes in. As Hell’s top bounty hunter, she chases down the ghosts of evildoers who skip out on Death. Armed with blue fire and a pair of unpredictable helpers, Fury navigates a cutthroat Underworld where other demons would kill for her job. She dreams of rising to work for Heaven one day, but a crushing debt to Lucifer—her ex with a serious grudge—keeps her chained to the infernal grind.A Book within a Book:Psychic Author Writes this Supernatural Demon Fantasy while in CaptivityOne fateful Christmas Eve, Joss feels extra lonely, goes out alone, and falls for the charm of a beautiful woman. Before she realizes the hidden danger, she wakes up as a prisoner in a purple, yes, purple, haunted dream house. Her captor is April Showers, a deranged Fox News weather girl, whose obsession with the Fury novels has taken a dark turn. But don’t worry. Joss won’t be alone in her misery for long—Fury rises as her loyal guardian, determined to protect their unbreakable bond.Introducing Fury Azazel, Badass Female DemonFury isn’t your typical paranormal bounty hunter. She’s a blue fire-conjuring demon with a heart of gold buried beneath layers rage. Hunting ghosts and dragging them to Hell is just the start; she’s out for justice, but even more determined to defy destiny and earn redemption. Her tumultuous relationship with Lucifer adds a tragic depth to her story, weaving a thrilling horror fantasy that explores themes of love, betrayal, and the eternal struggle for survival. Joss, the mortal woman chronicling it all, has a secret crush on Fury—a hidden passion that threatens to ignite a firestorm of its own.Dreams and reality intertwine into an occult tapestry where every page brings new revelations and supernatural dangers. Joss and Fury’s relationship blurs the line between good and evil, with the destiny of both hanging in the balance.Reviewers Agree: A Perfect Start to the Deadly Sins Series:“I’m determined to own every book in this series.” ★★★★★“Similar to works by author and director Clive Barker.” ★★★★★“Perfectly crafted.” ★★★★★“Everything I had hoped it would be and more!” ★★★★★Looking for Paranormal Fantasy with Dark Humor? Love Demons? Ghosts?Escape into this explosive series starter especially for fans of supernatural suspense and ghost hunting fiction with badass female leads. Summon your copy of Demons Also Dream from Kindle Unlimited today!Disclaimer: This book is intended for mature readers. It contains explicit violence, sexual content, dark humor, and themes suitable for adults.

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