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This box set of ten novels includes books 11 - 20 in the bestselling Chocolate Centered Cozy Mystery Series.A fun cozy mystery series with two chocolate-making sleuths, an adorable pot-bellied pig, a cheeky cat, puzzling mysteries, recipes, and a little romance.Ally Sweet is loving her new life in her hometown of Blue River working in her grandmother’s chocolate shop. The bond between her and her much-loved grandmother is as strong as ever and she enjoys spending time with her, their pot-bellied pig, Arnold, and feline-friend, Peaches.Along with a developing romance with a hunky detective and chocolate making at her grandmother’s chocolate shop, her days are filled with helping solve more than a few baffling murder mysteries with her grandmother, their animal sidekicks, and a few quirky, chocolate-shop regulars.This box set includes:Hot Chocolate and HomicideChocolate Caramels and ConmenPicnics, Pies and LiesDevil’s Food Cake and DramaCinnamon and a CorpseCherries, Berries and a BodyChristmas Cookies and CriminalsGrapes, Ganache and GuiltYule Logs and MurderMocha, Marriage and MurderIf you like clean, page-turning cozy mysteries with strong female sleuths, lovable pets, and a long list of suspicious characters, you'll love these heartwarming and delicious whodunnits by USA Today and WSJ Bestselling Author Cindy Bell.Get this ten book box set and start solving the mysteries today!

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