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Live-In Carer - PK Baker

Live-In Carer

PK Baker
unknown , English
90 ratings

Not everything returns in the way you hope it would...When Leah accepts a new live-in care job, she hopes it'll be a chance for a fresh start after a heartbreaking split up from her boyfriend. New surroundings, better money, and she gets to help a grieving father. What could go wrong?However, from the moment she pulls into the driveway of a beautiful country home, unusual events begin to take place, making her question her decision.At first, she tells herself it is an old building. Footsteps at night, doors slamming shut and refusing to open, Leah tries to find reasonable causes for it all. But the longer she spends in the house, the more she realises the source is far more sinister than she could ever imagine.Can she protect the man she promised to take care of, and herself before it's too late?