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The Ozimord Chronicles - Vera Mont

The Ozimord Chronicles

Vera Mont
Montland Books , English
2 ratings

After centuries of armed conflict, the three most powerful nations have at last formed an alliance that has the capability to conquer space. A thousand years from now, a rejuvenated Earth is expanding its interstellar empire. It has two off-world colonies and established trade with a far-away alien race. While the home planet is not without its ongoing challenges: political tension, popular unrest and a chronic shortage of energy, a solution suddenly appears in the form of a newly discovered planet. Ozimord: rich in resources, accessible, habitable, sparsely populated. The Federation Spaceship Vanguard has taken up geosynchronous orbit and landed a survey team on the surface. Their early findings promise an unlimited wealth of fuel-grade ore. And then, troubling news is broadcast back to Earth: they’ve gone missing. That’s only the beginning of the troubles…

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